Want To Make Your Own Candles? What You Need To Get Started On Your New Pastime

If you're looking for a relaxing pastime, but you also want to make things that are functional, now's the time to start making candles. You might not realise it, but candles are fun and easy to make. Not only that, but you can make them for just about any occasion. In fact, you can turn candle-making into a profitable side-gig or a full-time business. Before you get started, you will need to stock up on the essential supplies. If you're not sure what you'll need, read the list provided below. Here's a list of the supplies you'll need to get started with your candle making. 

Start With the Basics

If you want to make your own candles, the first thing you need to do is gather the basic supplies. Having the right supplies will make it easier for you to learn the proper candle making procedures. Some of the supplies you'll need include melting pots, wick stands, and a thermometer. If possible, you should also pick up some wicking needles. Wicking needles take the work out of threading the wick holders.

Move Onto the Wax

Now that you want to try your hand at candle making, you'll want to choose the right type of wax. You might think that all wax is the same, but that's not actually the case, especially where candle making is concerned. There are four types of candle wax to choose from. Those options include paraffin, soy, gel, and palm wax. When starting out, paraffin wax may be the best option. Paraffin wax is inexpensive, easy to melt, and great for adding colours and scents. 

Choose the Wicks

Once you've chosen the right type of wax for your candles, you'll need to focus on the wicks. Choosing the right wicks will ensure long-lasting candles. Wicks come in a variety of styles, including cored, square, flat, and specialty. The type of candles you're making will determine the type of wicks you should choose. For votive-style candles, you need to choose cored wicks. For emergency candles, or for bug-repellent candles, you'll want to choose specialty wicks. Don't forget to invest in wick tabs. Wick tabs are placed on the bottom of your wicks, which help to hold them in place.  

Add Some Extras

Finally, if you want to get the most enjoyment out of your candle making, don't forget about the extras. The extras can help to improve the quality of your candles. Some of those extras include wax dye, fragrance, candle moulds, and decorative jars.

To learn more, contact or visit a candle making supply company near you.

About Me

Creating mementos out of every day items

After someone dies it can seem like everything in your house is a reminder of them. I have a range of ways to help you craft beloved items into keepsakes that help people to remember a loved one, such as turning grandpa's old shirt into a cushion cover that kids can cuddle. It's a hobby of mine because I think it's a beautiful way to honour the memories and relationships that you have with a person, so I have started a blog all about crafting projects. These projects range in complexity from things beginners and children can do to projects for more experienced crafters.

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